Hello Friends,
I am kamal and today I will show you about xamarin programming. Its my first blog today hope Its helpfull for you.
😊k Today we are know about intent activity in xamarin.which is very helpful for all the dovelopers lets start.
Step:1) We need to make a new android project.
Step:2) There is a MainActivity. which having OnCreate bundle....
Step:3) We need to make a new activity for intent procedure.Create a new activity which is called MainActivity2.
Step:4) We have a resource folder which having Resource->layout->Main.xml
click.and code for simple a button if you don't know about that you can simply drag and drop also.
Step:6) Now go through MainActivity.cs and code for Activity2.
Step:7) Now Deploy MainActivity.cs.
Step:8) Finally the out is...........
Hello Friends,
I am kamal and today I will show you about xamarin programming. Its my first blog today hope Its helpfull for you.
😊k Today we are know about intent activity in xamarin.which is very helpful for all the dovelopers lets start.
Step:1) We need to make a new android project.
Step:2) There is a MainActivity. which having OnCreate bundle....
Step:3) We need to make a new activity for intent procedure.Create a new activity which is called MainActivity2.
Step:4) We have a resource folder which having Resource->layout->Main.xml
click.and code for simple a button if you don't know about that you can simply drag and drop also.
Step:6) Now go through MainActivity.cs and code for Activity2.
Step:7) Now Deploy MainActivity.cs.
Step:8) Finally the out is...........